Homeowners in some of Winnipeg’s poorest neighbourhoods could be hardest-hit by this spring’s Winnipeg School Division property tax increase — to the tune of 68.5% in increases since 2011.

The WSD is set to increase school taxes by 3.6% this year, after hikes of 6.8% and 7.8% in the last two years, though the increase has yet to be put to a vote.

That adds up to an 19.3% increase for the average homeowner.

But very few Winnipeg homes will face precisely that increase, because school taxes are indexed to assessed property value, which has been going up at a higher rate in traditionally low-income catchments of the division — like Weston, the West End, the North End, and central Winnipeg — as opposed to North River Heights and Wolseley.

Read the full story here: https://winnipegsun.com/2014/03/01/inner-city-neighbourhoods-face-huge-school-tax-increase/wcm/2f0568e5-9311-4313-bbc6-19821b3bfd5e